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Writer's pictureAmanda Borrego

More Than Enough!

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Insecurity is so debilitating! It is so easy for me to get in my head and convince myself I’m not good enough! It’s kept me from having deeper more meaningful relationships. It’s kept me from being vulnerable, it’s even kept me from going where I want when I want because so often I think to myself “I don’t look good enough, I’m not a good enough mom, I’m not funny enough. I’m not nice enough.”

But the dang truth is that ALL OF US ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH! I’m the best dang mom possible for my child. God blessed me with him and him with me because nobody in the world could love him or teach him like I can and vice versa. God knew we needed each other and the only way to fulfill what God wants is to muster up some dang confidence and own it! I’m the best dang step mom for Aiden ever. God knew exactly what He was doing when he brought us together.

The other night I made him help me in the kitchen, but I made sure to make it fun. I told him he could put on whatever song he wanted on my phone and he chose some rap song on YouTube that was rapping about fort night and guess what, I started dancing to the weirdest song I’ve ever heard and so he started dancing too. Because you know what I’m the best dang step mom for Aiden ever. And you’re the best at all of the roles that God put you in as well. As long as we own our roles and step into them with confidence and faith God is going to help us become all He created us to be. Here are a few things that I practice that help me.

1) Take a break. Sometimes you need to ground yourself. Sometimes you need to take a step away from your routine and the people that you surround yourself with. Sometimes it’s so refreshing to retreat and to create some space so that you can see clearly what you really want and to remember who you are.

2) Study people who add value. We’ve got to stop being insecure because it’s so limiting. One thing that I recognize I had to do was stop following all these girls with six pack abs on social media! You know what?! I’m NEVER going to have a six pack and to tell you the truth I’m PERFECTLY ok with that! I DO NOT want to follow a strict diet or live in the gym in order to reach that goal! I want to be healthy yes, but following unrealistic people for “motivation” is actually just depressing! Follow people similar to you! To the goals and values that you hold near! Follow people that ADD VALUE! Follow people who are encouraging and real.

3) Commit some verses to memory and Create some affirmations! I am more than enough! I am the best Dang ___________ ever!!! It is my birthright to live freely and fully! This is a rich friendly world. People are so happy and helpful. Sometimes you have to divert your mind and get yourself on the right track. The word of God is our best defense against the devil and against a limiting negative mindset. I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what God wants me to do. I am Happy and Healthy.

Own all of the God given roles in your life! With Love,


“The LORD is my shepherd. I lack nothing.”

Psalms 23:1 CEB

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

1 Peter 4:10-11 NLT

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